Tuesday 2 July 2013

Vriyla Point

Crossed a bridge made out of logs to get over Crystal Creek to get to the beach. Camped in a nice part at the South of the beach under big pine trees for five days and each night we had a nice fire to sit around. The sunset was quite nice to watch. Everyone went fishing and mud crabbing. We all had showers in a close by creek which was pretty cold! All 3 Toyotas got bogged on the beach but not the Nissan! On the third day we done a day trip to the Twin Falls, Eliot Falls and Fruit Bat Falls. The water was cold but everyone got in and went for a swim. At Eliot Falls all the kids and dads went and jumped off of the waterfall while the mums sat in a little pool because they were chickens. On the way to the falls dad noticed that the bracket to the exhaust pipe tore off and all the front grill was just hanging on by wires because all the plastic clips broke from the corrugated roads. There has been quite a few injuries, mum cut her toe open on a oyster rock, Daniel got some more cuts from oyster rocks and also tried to wipe out a tree, I've hurt my tail bone from slipping on rocks, got some cuts and blisters and nearly stood on a stingray and Dad so far has been fine. During the day us kids played Uno, NFL, volleyball and during the night we played 44 home, more Uno and one night even put on a little dance for the adults. We had quite a few bacon & eggs on toast for breakfast and had a few jaffles also.

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