Sunday 14 July 2013

Lorella Springs

13th (saturday) Arrived in Lorella Springs at about 6 at night, set up camp in a nice area next to the hot springs. 14th (sunday) Went for a drive around Lorella to look at some fishing spots. One spot had a tinny with paddles that you could use so mum and Daniel got in that and went for a fish while dad and I stayed on the bank to flick, no one caught anything sadly. Done half the Rosie Track then realised we missed the turn off to the Cascades so we had to turn around and go back. While driving along one of the tracks we hit a big patch of bull dust which threw the car sideways. Mum thought we were going to hit a tree, Daniel thought the car was going roll and Dad and I knew it was all sweet. Went for a swim in the hot springs and played some more Uno and Scrabble. 15th (monday) Got up at 6:30 this morning, packed up and hit the road. We are now on our way to Roper Bar and might stop at Southern Lost City on the way there.
Hopefully we will be coming back to Lorella Springs to do the whole Rosie Track and more fishing!

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