Monday 15 July 2013

Southern Lost City & Roper Bar

15th (monday) Southern Lost City was pretty cool to go and have a look at. Lots of rock formations and there was a walk you could do but we wanted to to fishing so we didn't do it. Got to Roper Bar crossing and had some lunch. Walked down to the crossing to see how cold the water was and it was freezing, so we didn't end up fishing.
Back on the road, passed Mataranka and are now in Katherine. Will be home tonight!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Lorella Springs

13th (saturday) Arrived in Lorella Springs at about 6 at night, set up camp in a nice area next to the hot springs. 14th (sunday) Went for a drive around Lorella to look at some fishing spots. One spot had a tinny with paddles that you could use so mum and Daniel got in that and went for a fish while dad and I stayed on the bank to flick, no one caught anything sadly. Done half the Rosie Track then realised we missed the turn off to the Cascades so we had to turn around and go back. While driving along one of the tracks we hit a big patch of bull dust which threw the car sideways. Mum thought we were going to hit a tree, Daniel thought the car was going roll and Dad and I knew it was all sweet. Went for a swim in the hot springs and played some more Uno and Scrabble. 15th (monday) Got up at 6:30 this morning, packed up and hit the road. We are now on our way to Roper Bar and might stop at Southern Lost City on the way there.
Hopefully we will be coming back to Lorella Springs to do the whole Rosie Track and more fishing!

Friday 12 July 2013

Back in the NT

13th (saturday) Passed the NT border! We are now leaving Borroloola after a fuel up and are on our way to Lorella Springs.

Adels Grove

11th (thursday) On the way to Adels Grove we stopped at the Riversleigh Fossil World Heritage Site and had a look at some fossils. Arrived at Adels Grove, set up camp and went for a walk along the Lawn Hill Creek which runs out of Lawn Hill Gorge, went down the Nature Walk track and then made our way to the Adels Grove lookout (the only place with reception). 12th (friday) Went to Lawn Hill National Park and done a walk along the gorge and went to a few lookouts. We then went canoeing for 2 hours which was great! We seen a bird drop a berry into the water and all these fish went up to it and started to attack it, so we grabbed some out of the tree and sat there for a bit watching all these fish attack the berries. There were a lot of fish in there and seen a turtle, couldn't fish there though. Was nice and relaxing canoeing up and down the gorge going pass cascades and looking at the scenery. We were going to go for a little swim before we had to take the canoes back, Dad got in waist deep and was like 'nope, too cold!' Mum and Daniel were too pussy to even try it out and I just dived in, was nice! Both nights staying at Adels Grove we played Uno and Scrabble, on the first night someone got out there Bugle and tried to play The Last Post. On the second night after we got back from the National Park Daniel and I went up to the Adels Grove lookout to get reception and also watched the sunset. Also on the second night, when we went to have our showers all that came out was a little trickle of water. That made me pretty annoyed so I walked off but Mum tried to wash herself with the tiny bit of water that was coming out. At night time its hard to find your way back to camp because it all looks pretty similar and theres a lot of tracks that go everywhere. Daniel got lost on the first night and we also had a lot of randoms coming up to our camp trying to find theirs.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Mt. Isa

Arrived in mt. Isa on the 9th (tuesday) in the afternoon and set up camp at the Mt. Isa caravan park. On the 10th (wednesday) we went to a lookout that over looks the town including the mine, we then walked around town and had a bit of a look, had lunch and then went to Hard Times Mining Company. At Hard Times Mine we had to all put these disposable orange overalls on with gumboots and a hard hat. Our tour guides name was Shane and while we were all walking through the mine he would try and scare you by saying things and walking off. We got to use a drill and go in some machines and also use them. 11th (thursday) we have packed up camp, had some maccas for breakfast and are now on our way to Lawn Hill National Park. Said goodbye to the rest of the group this morning because they are going home via the Barkley highway and will probably be home by Friday. We will we home around Wednesday sometime.

Monday 8 July 2013


9th (tuesday) Yesterday we were going to go to The Lava Tubes but we couldn't go there until 3:30 this afternoon for a tour because it was all booked out. We were going to camp somewhere last night that was either on the way to the tubes or close by to the tubes but everything in a 150km radius was booked out. It was raining so we were just going to keep driving and sleep in the car but ended up stopping at the Oasis road house. It was freezing cold last night, everyone had their jumpers and trackies on and were all snug. The road house had an interesting advertising sign out the front... Left the road house this morning and started to make our way to Hughenden. On our way we hit a big red which got knocked to the ground but got back up and we also passed a lot of cattle. We are now in Hughenden and are going to head towards Mt. Isa.

Sunday 7 July 2013


8th (monday) Made it back in Atherton today, stopped at Crystal Caves to have a look at some crystals and had some McDonalds for lunch! Found McKell road again! This time we got a photo. We are now currently at Mt. Garnet. The Norris' split of from the group this morning, they are on their way to Toowoomba so we all said goodbye this morning.

Port Douglas

7th (sunday) Left Cook Town early so we could go to The Lions Den to have breakfast. Was quite a pretty cool pub with a lot of character. The walls are filled with peoples names that have been there and there are also a few photos and funny things to read. There is a nice river behind it also. After a nice breakfast we made our way to Port Douglas. We drove on the Bloomfield track on a scenic tour through the Daintree Rainforest, some of the track was very very steep and it felt like the car was all most vertical on some of the rises. Going down one of the steep declines all 6 wheels had smelly smoke coming off of them from the brakes. We then stopped at the Daintree Discovery Centre and had a look around there, at the end of the walk you can do this survey on the computer but you need a password to be able to fill it out and the guy said if we get the password we get a muffin. After about 10 minutes we got the password right and we got some chocolate muffins which were really nice! We stayed the night at Big 4. All of us kids were jumping on the bouncing pillow that they have there, doing flips and tricks and also tackling eachother and just running a muck.