Thursday 27 June 2013

We made it!

Made it to the very tip of Australia. The road from Pusand Bay to the tip gave dad a very big smile because that was our first big 4 wheel driving we've done so far. Two people from the group got bogged in some sand and one of them had to get snatched out. Was nice rainforest through there with some muddy puddles and creeks. Daniel cut his foot on some oyster rocks while walking towards the sign. It was very windy but was a lovely view! Under some rocks there is a little comment box where some people write in a booklet and put things into it like bracelets and things. We found what use to be a 5 star resort which is now trashed, broken and old looking. We are now back in Bamaga just getting more drinks and fueling up then going to Vriyla point to stay for atleast 2 or 3 nights.

Punsand Bay

Last night we stayed at Punsand Bay. Its a beautiful beach near the tip of the Cape. Last night us kids went down to the beach and went fishing and also played some games while all the adults sat around the fire and talked. This morning we all went down to the beach, went for a walk, took photos and done some backflips. The roads from Bamaga to Punsand Bay were very corrugated. The Norris' lost their rake that we had to stop and pick up and we nearly lots our camper trailer because the nut on the tow hitch vibrated loose.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Passing through Bamaga

Didnt end up staying somewhere where there was a pub or anything so we missed out on watching the origin. Stayed out in the bush beside a nice river.
Just crossed the Jardine river. Its a nice overcast day, it started to spit a little bit. Roads have been pretty good and smooth. We are now currently in Bamaga just getting some bread and what not.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Passing through Coen

On the way to Coen parts of the road were corrugated and other parts were quite smooth. This may be our lasy service for a while, heading to Archer river for camp tonight and State of origin. Most of the camp are QLD supporters but hopefully they'll all be losers after tonight.

Cape York here we come!


We are now at Lakeland fueling up, the turn off to Cook Town is here on the right but we are turning left to Cape York! The country side in Lakeland is similar to Pine Creek. Stayed the night out in the middle of no where in the bush. There was a creek near us with some water in it but not very much, we had a fire and all sat around there singing, dancing and talking.

Monday 24 June 2013


From Mt Garnic very scenic, windy and hilly drive through rainforest to Atherton. Atherton is a very beautiful country town set in the hills. Everything is so green and the weather is lovely (a bit cool but is nice). Seen quite a few wind turbines and lots farms. We also seen a road called McKell rd! Didnt get a photo of it though, hopefully will on the way home.

Heading towards Atherton

After we left Georgetown we went through 12 mile creek, the scenery was spectacular! Driving along the bitumen now, its a lot better then eating dust! The bitumen changes from two lanes to one single road with dirt each side. We passed a big mob of cyclists doing a charity event in the middle of no where (the photo only shows 3 of the cyclists out of many, was hard to take a photo while moving) We are currently in Mt Garnet.